No Fear Films is a motion picture production company in Atlantic Canada, founded in 2018 by Becky Parsons for the creation of feature films.

No Fear Films is producing a horror film from rising star Sarah Gignac with her screenplay ‘The Apartment’ and has been awarded funding from Telefilm and the Province of Nova Scotia for its development.

We attended Frontières 2021 as part of the From Our Dark Side (now The Genre Film Lab) chosen group of teams. With this opportunity ‘The Apartment’ gathered considerably more exposure putting it on the radar of a growing list of interested parties for financing, co-producing and Canadian and International distribution.

In 2022 Terry Greenlaw of Picture Plant joined ‘The Apartment’ team as co-producer.

In November, 2022, a short film by Becky Parsons was released under the No Fear Films banner. ‘Twig’ premiered at Silverwave International Film Festival, Fredericton and can be viewed on Vimeo.

No Fear Films has inclusion and balance of representation at its core, exploring topics metaphorically within the horror, thriller, sci-fi genre.


In Development

The Apartment

A paranormal thriller

A feature film